The training I on Curriculum Development merged with the second project meeting has been held at the University of Seychelles (UniSey).
During the 3 days we spent together, we had in-depth overview to our short-term activities, clarified the responsibilities of each one of the consortium members and also the mid term results to be achieved.
In addition to this, synergies have been strengthened with one of the relevant local and international authorities on the fisheries topic: the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) that joined our meeting and presented their activities for future synergies. Of a high importance is the fact that they expressed their strong interest in being active actors within the FISHERMAN Project.
The second part of the activity has been devoted to a curriculum development training in which partners had the possibility to introduce to the FISHERMAN partners the Bologna reform, its main challenges but also advantages and also the university adaptation process.
Finally, the first guest lecture of the specialisation on Marine and Fishery Science of UniSey was given by Prof. José Luis Sánchez Lizaso from the University of Alicante giving a speech on “Management of Mediterranean marine ecosystems”.